親子の英語 歌や本で手軽に英会話!


SONG41. Follow Me〜英語の歌で体を動かそう!〜

体を動かすAction Song!



Follow Me | Kids Songs | Super Simple Songs - YouTube


< 覚えたい単語&フレーズ >

Follow me 私についてきて

Clap your hands 手をたたいて
Spin around 回って
Bend your knees ひざを曲げて
Touch the ground 地面をさわって

Wiggle your fingers 指を動かして
Tippy toe つま先歩きして
Stretch up high 高くのばして
Wave hello! 腕をハローと振って

Flap your arms 腕をふって
Stomp your feet 足を踏みならして
Pat your back 背中をポンポンして
Take a seat! 座って


< Lyrics >

Follow me. Follow me. It’s as easy as can be.
Follow me. Follow me. 1, 2, 3…

Clap your hands.
Spin around.
Bend your knees.
Touch the ground.


Follow me. Follow me. It’s as easy as can be.
Follow me. Follow me. 1, 2, 3…

Wiggle your fingers.
Tippy toe.
Stretch up high.
Wave hello!


Follow me. Follow me. It’s as easy as can be.
Follow me. Follow me. 1, 2, 3…

Flap your arms.
Stomp your feet.
Pat your back.
Take a seat!


Follow Me | Kids Songs | Super Simple Songs - YouTube