親子の英語 歌や本で手軽に英会話!


SONG32. My Teddy Bear




”I love my teddy bear.”





唯一違うのが four paws 




We don’t have four paws.

But we have two hands and two feet.


My Teddy Bear | Super Simple Songs - YouTube


< Lyrics > 

My teddy bear has two eyes, two eyes, two eyes.
My teddy bear has two eyes. I love my teddy bear.

My teddy bear has one nose, one nose, one nose.
My teddy bear has one nose. I love my teddy bear.

My teddy bear has two ears, two ears, two ears.
My teddy bear has two ears. I love my teddy bear.

My teddy bear has two arms, two arms, two arms.
My teddy bear has two arms. I love my teddy bear.

My teddy bear has two legs, two legs, two legs.
My teddy bear has two legs. I love my teddy bear.

My teddy bear has four paws, four paws, four paws.
My teddy bear has four paws. I love my teddy bear.


#親子の英語 #英語絵本 #2才 #姉妹 #多読 #知育 #読み聞かせ #姉は小学生 

#myteddybear #テディベア #英語の歌 #ぬいぐるみ