親子の英語 歌や本で手軽に英会話!


SONG48. Wag Your Tail〜英語の歌で動物のマネをしよう〜



この歌のおかげで( ̄▽ ̄)




Wag Your Tail | Animal Action Verb Song | Super Simple Songs - YouTube


< 覚えたい単語&フレーズ >


Wag your tail like a dog.



Thump your chest like a gorilla.



Bend your knees like a camel.



Wiggle your ears like a hippopotamus.



< Lyrics >

Clap clap clap your hands.
Clap your hands with me.
Clap them fast. Clap them slow.
Clap your hands with me.


Wag your tail like a dog.
Wag wag wag your tail.
Wag your tail with me.
Wag it fast. Wag it slow.
Wag your tail with me.


Thump your chest like a gorilla.
Thump thump thump your chest.
Thump your chest with me.
Thump it fast. Thump it slow.
Thump your chest with me.


Bend your knees like a camel.
Bend bend bend your knees.
Bend your knees with me.
Bend them fast. Bend them slow.
Bend your knees with me.


Wiggle your ears like a hippopotamus.
Wiggle wiggle wiggle your ears.
Wiggle your ears with me.
Wiggle them fast. Wiggle them slow.
Wiggle your ears with me.


Wag Your Tail | Animal Action Verb Song | Super Simple Songs - YouTube